BLE #00 – Blender, and the Power of Autonomy

Warming up on Blender. Refreshing my mind on Blender. Remember those toys back in the 90s? There was the Might Max series or the Polly Pocket series, appearing between the commercial breaks with that child narrator and the sing alongs. Always wanted one, never did have one. Saw lot of my friends bring it to school though.

Something about miniatures fascinate me. Not the object itself but the emotions aroused by such objects. I believe there is a feel of autonomy. The ability to see everything grants us a form of power. Games like SimCity or Dwarf Fortress gives us god-like powers to view and control. So gamers can make informed decisions and take responsibilities of the actions: results of the game. One feels free knowing everything (through the display of data) and making autonomous choices that brings in results within the games. The fun in these games are defined by choices from chart readings. I think for my next steps I should add data graphics on top to tell viewers what we’re observing and the best interaction would be to give choices that change the state of the object viewed. Just food for thought.


BLE #01 – 90s Design on Blender3D


WTA #01 – Thinking about the Dashboard